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Throwback to one of my favourite custom print projects from last year, I always love receiving feedback and photos from you guys!

Bi Plane - The making of

The Bi Plane was the very first design that really spoke to me (Faye), I felt it was important to start our collaboration with a statement piece that I could get behind and feel connected to. 
Both me and Tom were throwing ideas around, and if you know Tom you know how passionate he is about business and the quality and dedication he puts into his products are like no other. 
We both got excited about toys straight away, boys toys in particular, and we have quite a lot of ideas to expand the range. 
We originally bought rights to the design itself and then we adapted it to enable our printers to seamlessly print the design. We've tested various materials and made tweaks at every point in the design process. 
The Bi plane then got crash tested by my son, Jacob, of which it failed miserably but this enabled us to return to the design and add supports and extra strength where needed. 
As the product listing states, the strings on the wings themselves are very fragile so if it is being bought with the intention of using as a toy these can be easily removed, however I felt it was a necessary aesthetic part of the plane and it's what makes the design truly stand out. Especially in the traditional vintage colours. 
Currently we're working on something extra special and I can't wait to share it with you!

Full costume Cosplay.

This was a piece I am very proud of and it can be seen in action here Full Cosplay Costume Printing

I was approached by Mark from h4d3z_cosplays who had a design for a full Cosplay outfit for an event.

Together we made this amazing piece and seeing it come to life was a moment I'll never forget.


Cranebows was established in 2020 by Faye, inspired by her daughter Imogen.

Faye made hair accessories and embroidery and sold to local families alike. I believe that with Faye's creative flair and my passion for business we can collaborate both our expertise and offer a unique product range and push T3W in to new directions.